Elderly Care Program Coordinator
Reputable Elderly Care Centre

Job Responsibilities:

 Key Responsibilities: 


·       Care for the well-being and safety of elderly in the Senior Care Centre 

·       Prepare and conduct programme activities for elderly clients 

·       Organize social and recreational group excursions 

·       Update Individual Care Plans and relevant records daily 

·       Support caregivers and volunteers in caring for clients 




·       Able to speak dialect preferred in order to communicate with the elderly.

·      Advanced/Higher/Certificate in Community & Social Service [Senior Care Services] and good “O” level [minimum 3 credits] or WSQ Higher Certificate in Healthcare Support [Nursing care] 

·      Competency in eldercare service with at least 2 years working experience in an eldercare institution 

·      Good communication and interpersonal skills 

·      Possess a passionate disposition to care for elderly

·      Be able to engage comfortably with elderly


  • Qualification: Diploma, ITC/NTC, Others
  • Years Exp: 2
  • Salary range: From: $1,600 To: $2,800
  • Location: Central, East, North
  • Permanent

Please complete the application form

Your Email*
First Name*
Last Name*
Male Female
Date of Birth*
Contact Number*
Highest Education Level*
Years of Experience*
Latest/Current Salary (SG$)*
$ Per Mth
Expected Salary (SG$)*
$ Per Mth
Latest/Current Employer*
Latest/Current Job Title*
Driving License*
Class 2B / 2A / 2
Class 3
Class 4
Class 5
Possess Own Vehicle*
Resumé / Curriculum Vitaé*

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